Modidima Mannya is an admitted Attorney with vast Leadership Skills in the following areas: Procurement and Supply Chain Management As Accounting Officer, I was responsible for procurement including procurement planning, compliance with procurement policy, establishment of procurement system, procurement committees, approval of bid specifications and approval of tender awards. I was also responsible for overseeing the entire supply chain management process.
Contracts. As Chief Legal Advisor, I was responsible for reviewing and authorizing contracts prior to signature, contract drafting, negotiation, contract dispute resolution, providing legal advise, contract compliance and reporting. Human Resources As Head of Department, I was responsible for overseeing human resource management and development, recruitment, grievances, discipline, labour relations, salary negotiations and talent management.
Worked in a highly unionized environment and dealt with trade unions on various aspects and manage relations with organized labour. As Management Consultant and Legal Practitioner, I was responsible for assisting clients with human resource planning, representing clients in labour disputes including at Labour Court and arbitrations. Budget and Financial Management As Accounting Officer, I was overall responsible for budget planning and control, financial resource allocation, expenditure control and general financial management and systems. Information technology As Chief Legal Advisor, I was responsible for preparing ICT contracts negotiation.